Thursday, October 17, 2019

Women's Health on Twitter (Daily Digest) Update from The Office on Women’s Health (OWH)

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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @HHS_ASH: Only ~46 percent of people who suffer from cardiac arrest receive CPR from a bystander & the chances are much lower in minorit…
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @medlineplus: #Foodallergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by your immune system. Foods that most often trigger allergic rea…
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @NCISymptomMgmt: When Cancer Returns is an @theNCI resource for people who have been told that they have a cancer recurrence. Having a c…
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @NIOSH: If you are exposed to illicit drugs when responding to an emergency, make sure you know how to protect yourself.
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @US_FDA: #PinkRibbonSunday was launched by @FDAwomen in 1998 to help raise awareness among women about the importance of getting regular…
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @AHRQNews: More than 19 percent of elderly adults filled at least one outpatient opioid prescription per year, on average, in 2015-16. M…
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @NIDDKgov: #PhysicalActivity is an important part of healthy aging. Try these exercises from @NIHAging. #HealthyLiving
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@womenshealth womenshealth16 Oct
RT @CDC_Cancer: Having an increased risk for breast cancer does not guarantee you will get breast cancer – but knowing your risk can allow…
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