Friday, October 25, 2019


The mesothelioma lawyers at the Simmons Law Firm represent victims of mesothelioma cancer throughout the United States including the state of Arizona. We have represented thousands of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer and have seen the suffering it causes firsthand. The Simmons Law Firm is dedicated to giving our clients the respect and attention they deserve, no matter where they live.
If you or someone you love has mesothelioma, we will come to you. Over the past decade, we’ve represented many clients throughout Arizona, including families from the following locations:
  • Gilbert
  • Hayden
  • Phoenix
  • Prescott
  • Scottsdale
  • Skull Valley
  • Tempe
  • Tucson
  • Youngstown
As a nationwide firm, our asbestos attorneys have the resources and experience necessary to represent individuals and families against large companies in this complex area of litigation. Our firm has recovered over $4 billion in verdicts and settlements for thousands of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases. Our asbestos attorneys have recovered $130 million on behalf of mesothelioma and asbestos-related victims in the state of Arizona alone.*
* Please note that recovery results vary per client. The recovery amounts in each case reflect the specific facts of that case. Further, recovery amounts in past cases are not a guarantee of future results
You should know that Arizona has a unique set of laws that could impact your ability to file a claim. For example, Arizona has statute of limitation laws that restrict the time frame in which mesothelioma victims and family members can file a lawsuit. Rest assured our mesothelioma lawyers are prepared to help you understand the process for filing an asbestos lawsuit and guide you through the legal system. Contact the Simmons Law Firm if you have a question about a potential case.
If you have mesothelioma or lung cancer due to asbestos exposure, please contact our mesothelioma lawyers for a free case evaluation.


Asbestos is a deadly mineral that has been used in thousands of products. When microscopic asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can cause a number of diseases, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. Of the diseases caused by asbestos, mesothelioma is the most aggressive, attacking the internal lining of the lungs and abdomen. Mesothelioma typically does not develop until decades after the asbestos exposure occurred.
The following is a partial list of Arizona job sites and buildings that may have contained asbestos.  This list does not necessarily reflect current conditions.  If you are experiencing symptoms related to asbestos exposure, please consult with a physician. 
Chandler Power Plant
Southwest Forest
Aqua Fria Powerhouse
Phoenix Civic Plaza
Good Samaritan Hospital
Valley Bank Building
Arizona Bank
Kyrene Powerhouse
Arizona Public Service Plant
University Of Arizona
Tucson Gas & Electric Company
If you or a loved one has suffered from an asbestos-related disease, please contact us today for a free legal consultation.


The majority of individuals who have been exposed to asbestos encounter the so-called "magic mineral" in their line of work, often due to inadequate safety precautions. Others are exposed to asbestos indirectly when they come in contact with the clothing of a family member involved in a high-risk asbestos occupation.
Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. When microscopic asbestos dust particles becomes airborne, they can be inhaled or swallowed and can cause serious health issues.
Common work environments where a mesothelioma or cancer patient may have encountered asbestos include shipyards, oil refineries, sheet metal plants, automotive plants, construction sites, and many more. Here is a complete list of occupations that have been linked to asbestos exposure.


In 2010, the Simmons Law Firm established the Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation, a private, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting research and advancing awareness about this rare cancer. The Foundation partners with established experts and thought-leaders in the mesothelioma research field. Learn more about the Foundation's current mesothelioma research partners.
As a long-time supporter of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, the Simmons Law Firm has an extensive history of supporting the fight against mesothelioma and cancer. The firm has also pledged over $10 million to establish the Simmons Cancer Institute at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. The institute provides extraordinary new resources to enhance treatments and implement the continuing search for a permanent cure. It is the largest single gift in the history of SIU and establishes the university as home to one of the leading cancer facilities in the United States.


Asbestos has not yet been banned in the United States. Its use is regulated, but it is still used in products today. Asbestos has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a human carcinogen. This assessment is supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), both of which believe that the future use of asbestos should be banned.
For more information about asbestos in Arizona and throughout the U.S., visit theEnvironmental Protection Agency's website.

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