Friday, October 25, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles: When HPLC fails ion chromatography is the solution in pharmaceutical analysis

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 October 25, 2019 
 Pharmacy / Pharmacology 
 The latest pharmacy / pharmacology news from News Medical 
 #ALT#When HPLC fails ion chromatography is the solution in pharmaceutical analysis

Whether you’re testing active pharmaceutical ingredients or excipients, IC helps overcoming limitations of HPLC. Why? IC is ideal for the separation and determination of ions and polar molecules, both organic and inorganic. IC uses conductivity detection, and because chemical suppression lowers background conductivity, sensitivity is not an issue. This makes IC suitable for trace- and ultratrace-level measurements. Watch the latest video from Metrohm to learn more.

Watch the New Video from Metrohm
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