Friday, October 25, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles: When HPLC fails: IC in food, water and pharmaceutical analysis

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 October 24, 2019 
 Analytical Chromatography 
 The latest chromatography news from NewsMedical 
 #ALT#White Paper: When HPLC fails: IC in food, water and pharmaceutical analysis

This White Paper presents the benefits of ion chromatography for analyses where HPLC fails. Learn about the differences between HPLC and IC, the limitations and advantages of these techniques, how suppression affects sensitivity and various applications in food and beverage analysis and pharmaceutical analysis.

Download the White Paper
   Authenticating Complex Herbal Products using Liquid ChromatographyAuthenticating Complex Herbal Products using Liquid Chromatography
Many natural products contain pharmaceutically active ingredients, and the demand for healthy herbal products is high. This is related to their use as drugs in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda, an Indian branch of traditional medicine, as much as to the global demand for healthy herbal food supplements.
   The Theory Behind Gas ChromatographyThe Theory Behind Gas Chromatography
Gas chromatography (GC) is an older analytical technique that is still widely used today. It is a technique that can be used with both inorganic and organic analytes, but the one requirement is that the sample must be volatile, otherwise the analysis won’t work. The technique has seen a lot of use across many industries and it is often coupled with other techniques, most commonly mass spectrometry.
 Chromatography in Forensic Science
Chromatography in Forensic ScienceChromatography is the process by which compounds within a mixture are separated. This can be achieved by properties such as size, and how the compounds interact with the mobile and solid phases of chromatography.
 High-performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) in the Pharmaceutical Industry
High-performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) in the Pharmaceutical IndustryHigh-performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) is one of the many sophisticated, flexible, robust, and cost-effective separation techniques employed in the discovery, development, and analysis of new drugs.
 Revealing the Molecular Basis of Fragrances using Gas Chromatography
Revealing the Molecular Basis of Fragrances using Gas ChromatographyFragrances are important characteristics of food and wellness products. Understanding the science behind fragrances remains a complex challenge, as a multitude of odorant molecules act together to give a characteristic fragrance.
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