Thursday, October 24, 2019

Learn about gluten-free diets: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Learn about gluten-free diets: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

My MedlinePlus
October 23, 2019
grilled salmon and salad on a plate

What Does it Mean to be on a Gluten-free Diet?

Has your healthcare professional recommended a gluten-free diet? On a gluten-free diet, you do not eat wheat, rye, and barley. These foods contain gluten, a type of protein. A gluten-free diet is the main treatment for celiac disease. Some people believe a gluten-free diet can also help improve other health problems, but there is little research to support this idea.

Diabetic Eye Care

Did you know that diabetes can harm your eyes? It can cause a condition called diabetic retinopathy, which damages the small blood vessels in your retina.  To help prevent diabetes-related eye problems, have an eye exam every year and control your blood sugar level, blood pressure, and cholesterol. If you notice changes in your vision, alert your doctor. Learn more.

Daily Bowel Care Program

Health conditions that cause nerve damage, such as brain or spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, may interfere with how your bowels function. A daily bowel care program can help you manage this problem. Eat plenty of fiber, keep active to avoid constipation, and work with your health care provider to find a daily bowel care program that works for you.

The Facts About Flax

Flaxseed has been cultivated over thousands of years and has had a variety of health and industrial uses. Today, flaxseed and flaxseed oil are used as dietary supplements for a variety of health conditions. Learn more about their effectiveness and safety.

What Are Concussion Tests?

Concussion tests are used to assess brain function after a head injury. Concussions are often described as mild traumatic brain injuries. You or your child may need concussion testing after a head injury, even if you think the injury is not serious. Testing usually includes questions about your symptoms, a physical exam, and sometimes imaging tests. Learn more.

Peanut Power Smoothie

This simple, delicious Peanut Butter Smoothie makes a great breakfast or on-the-go snack, and it will give you a boost of protein.

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