Wednesday, October 23, 2019

CDC COCA Call: Preventing the Spread of Novel or Targeted Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs) in Nursing Homes through Enhanced Barrier Precautions

PPE in Nursing Homes to Prevent MDROs | HAI | CDC

Preventing the Spread of Novel or Targeted Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs) in Nursing Homes through Enhanced Barrier Precautions

In the United States, nursing homes provide complex medical care
to residents at high risk of acquiring multidrug-resistant organisms
(MDROs). Through outbreak responses to novel or targeted MDROs,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public
health partners have found that gaps in infection prevention practices,
such as inadequate use of gowns and gloves, contribute to the spread
of MDROs. In nursing homes, it can be challenging to implement the
contact isolation precautions used in hospitals when caring for patients
with MDROs


CDC recently introduced a new approach called Enhanced Barrier Precautions to help address these challenges. Enhanced Barrier Precautions are recommended for preventing the transmission of novel or targeted MDROs in nursing homes involved in a public health containment response. Enhanced Barrier Precautions fall between Standard and Contact Precautions, and require gown and glove use for certain residents during specific high-contact resident care activities that have been found to increase the risk for MDRO transmission.

During this COCA Call, clinicians will learn about Enhanced Barrier Precautions, with a detailed discussion of the residents and high-contact resident care activities for which they apply.

Please note: The slides for this presentation will be posted on the call page under the “Call Materials” tab as soon as they are available.

Date: Thursday, October 24, 2019

Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm (ET)

A few minutes before the webinar begins, please click the link below to join:

Or join by iPhone one-tap: US: +16468769923,,535497188#  or +16699006833,,535497188#

Or join by Telephone: US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

Webinar ID: 535 497 188

International numbers are available here:

If you are unable to attend this live COCA Call, the closed captioned video will be available to view on-demand on the call page a few days after the call.

Free continuing education (CE) is available for this COCA Call.

Nimalie Stone, MD, MSTeam Lead, Long-Term Care Team
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Kara Jacobs Slifka, MD, MPH
LCDR United States Public Health Service
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

At the conclusion of the session, the participant will be able to accomplish the following:
  1. Describe the burden of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs).
  2. Describe challenges to preventing MDRO transmission in nursing homes.
  3. Define Standard Precautions, Enhanced Barrier Precautions, and Contact Precautions.
  4. Identify which residents and activities meet criteria for Enhanced Barrier Precautions.
  5. Discuss best practices for implementing Enhanced Barrier Precautions.

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