Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Attention health hackers: Global initiative will fund innovation where it’s needed most

Attention health hackers: Global initiative will fund innovation where it’s needed most


John Haaga, Director, and John Phillips, Chief, Population and Social Processes Branch, NIA Division of Behavioral and Social Research

A pediatric ventilator made from a shampoo bottle and plastic tubing. A simple solution of water, sugar, and salt to hydrate children with life-threatening diarrhea. A $45 prosthetic foot instead of one that costs $12,000. These are all examples of “jugaad,” a Hindi word meaning an inexpensive but effective hack that uses available materials.

Inspired by this do-it-yourself spirit, NIA is proud to announce a new funding opportunity as part of the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge to spark low-cost healthy aging innovations where they are needed most. Read the full blog post.

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