Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Deaths from Falls | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Deaths from Falls | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Your online source for credible health information.

Deaths from Falls

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults age 65 and older, and the age-adjusted rate of fall death is increasing.1,2  The age-adjusted rate of fall deaths is 62 deaths per 100,000 older adults and this rate is increasing.2
Fall death rates among adults age 65 and older have increased more than 30% from 2007 to 2016.2  The increase was observed in 30 states and the District of Columbia. The fastest  growing rate was among adults aged 85 and older (4% per year).
The rising number of deaths from falls in older adults can be addressed by screening for fall risk and intervening to address risk factors such as medication use or strength, and balance.

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