Friday, September 27, 2019

Check Your AED: Is It FDA Approved?

Check Your AED: Is It FDA Approved?

Today, the FDA has updated the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) webpage to provide a list of FDA-approved AEDs . AEDs can be highly effective in saving the lives of people suffering cardiac arrest when used in the first few minutes following collapse from cardiac arrest.

To ensure the availability of life-saving treatment with the AEDs in your facilities, we encourage AED manufacturers to:

  • Check the list of FDA-approved AEDs on the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) webpage on to see if your AED is FDA-approved.
  • If your AED is not listed, you should plan to transition to an FDA-approved AED system. Contact the manufacturer of your current AED to discuss your transition plans.
  • Ensure that you have compatible AED accessories to meet your needs until you transition to an FDA-approved AED. This is particularly important because AED accessories may require frequent replacement.  
If you have questions about AEDs, contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education

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