Thursday, September 26, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles: Developing Monoclonal Antibodies: Challenges and Solutions

Medical News | Medical Articles

 September 26, 2019 
 The latest antibodies news from News Medical 
 #ALT#NEW INFOGRAPHIC - Developing Monoclonal Antibodies: Challenges and Solutions

Despite technological and methodological advancements, developing new monoclonal antibodies can be challenging. Download this infographic to explore some common challenges and potential solutions.

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  KeysightSupporting Scientists Working on Cell and Gene Therapies
A new kit has been released for lentivirus titer determination. The new kit, which is 24 times faster than an ELISA, has been designed for the rapidly growing cell and gene therapy market, where lentivirus vectors are commonly used to transport therapeutic genes.
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   Camelid Antibodies for the Treatment of AllergiesCamelid Antibodies for the Treatment of Allergies
Antibodies are an indispensable tool for the diagnosis, and treatment of several diseases. High affinity and extraordinary specificity for their target antigens are some properties desirable properties of antibodies.
 Aqueous Two-phase Systems: Pros and Cons
Aqueous Two-phase Systems: Pros and ConsPhase systems consisting of polymers or polymers with saltwater can be used to separate cells, membranes, viruses, proteins and other biomolecules. Aqueous two-phase systems, also known as ATPS, use the properties of the polymer surface and conformation of the materials to partition biomolecules.
 Accelerating Nanobody Production using Polyclonal Anti-VHH Antibodies
Accelerating Nanobody Production using Polyclonal Anti-VHH AntibodiesDr. Dave Fancy discusses the common challenges that scientists face when developing nanobodies and how anti-alpaca secondary antibodies can be used to produce high-affinity nanobodies and VHH libraries.
 New approach enables the body to produce specific antibodies
New approach enables the body to produce specific antibodiesResearchers at KU Leuven in Belgium have developed a technique to make sheep produce new antibodies simply by injecting the DNA building blocks. This approach is much cheaper and more efficient than producing antibodies industrially and administering them afterwards. The study in animals with a similar size as humans brings us a step closer to the clinical use of antibody gene therapy.
 Ebola-Neutralizing Antibodies
Ebola-Neutralizing AntibodiesThe Ebola virus causes severe and often lethal infections. While an efficient treatment has not yet been found, it has been observed that Ebola-infection survivors develop antibodies against the virus, from which antibody-therapies could be derived. Recently, an international research collaboration has shown that in a safe, non-infectious vaccination trial, effective antibodies occurred soon after vaccination, raising the expectation that future antibody therapies can be sourced in a safe manner.
 Study shows how the immune system achieves antibody diversity
Study shows how the immune system achieves antibody diversityDiversity is good, especially when it comes to antibodies. It's long been known that a gene assembly process called V(D)J recombination allows our immune system to mix and match bits of genetic code, generating new antibodies to conquer newly encountered threats.

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