Friday, September 27, 2019

Preventing Falls | NIH News in Health

Preventing Falls | NIH News in Health

NIH News in Health

Preventing Falls

A hand holding on to a handrail.

Each year millions of Americans, especially older adults, go to the emergency department after an injury from a fall. Learn what you can do to prevent falls. (From NIH News in Health)

Food Allergy

Peanuts and a bowl of peanut butter.

Food allergies can be very difficult for those living with the allergy and their families. Read more about NIH’s commitment to food allergy research. (From NIH’s NIAID)

Gene Identified In People Who Need Little Sleep

A man waking up.

Scientists identified a gene that causes people to naturally sleep less than six and a half hours each night without any apparent ill effects. (From NIH Research Matters)

Dilated Eye Exam

An eye doctor shining a flashlight into a patient's eye.

A dilated eye exam is the best thing you can do for your eye health. Discover why. (From NIH’s NEI)

Fetal Alcohol Exposure

A woman's hands forming the shape of a heart over her pregnant stomach.

Fetal alcohol exposure occurs when a woman drinks while pregnant. Alcohol can disrupt fetal development at any stage during a pregnancy. (From NIH’s NIAAA)

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