Monday, September 9, 2019

Climate Change Fears for Kids - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.

Climate Change Fears for Kids - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.


An electrifying new bandage is speeding up the healing process. See how it’s changing healing times from two weeks to three days

Surgeons in Phoenix are freezing away the pain for a procedure that fixes funnel chest. See how cryoablation is making pectus excavatum correction much less painful for kids.

Hurricanes. Tornados. Unusual blistering heat. Scientists say you can blame climate change. But what do parents need to know about climate change concerns and kids’ mental health?

Studies show parental involvement is very important for a child’s success in school. But for some parents of ethnic minority students, especially those from immigrant families, there is a mismatch between school and family expectations when it comes to parental involvement.

Could too much time on a smart phone increase your teen’s chances of developing ADHD?

Doctor's In-depth Interview of the week

Dental Care Improves Drug Rehab 
Glen Hanson, DDS, PhD, Vice Dean, School of Dentistry
University of Utah, Salt Lake City

Quote of the week:

Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.” 

— Robert Frost

If you know of an innovative medical treatment, send us the name of the treatment,  name of the doctor and city. We may be able to cover it in one of our series:


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