Strategies to Prevent S. aureus BSIs in Acute Care Facilities | CDC
Strategies to Prevent S. aureus BSIs in Acute Care Facilities | CDC
- Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) prevention practices
- Core Strategies:
- Follow evidence-based guidance for the prevention of CLABSIs
- See Table 1 for source control strategies by patient type and setting including for patents with CVCs
- Surgical site infection (SSI) prevention practices
- Core Strategies:
- Follow evidence-based guidance for the prevention of SSIs
- For all patients undergoing high risk surgeries (e.g. cardiothoracic (CT), orthopedic, and neurosurgery), unless known to be S. aureus negative,use an intranasal antistaphyloccal antibiotic/antiseptic (e.g. mupirocin or iodophor) and chlorhexidine wash or wipes prior to surgery.
- Possible Regimens
- Intranasal antistaphyloccal antibiotic/antiseptic
- Mupirocin twice daily to each nare for the 5 days prior to day of surgery
- 2 applications of nasal Iodophor (at least 5%) to each nare within 2 hours prior to surgery
- Chlorhexidine
- Daily chlorhexidine wash or wipes for up to 5 days prior to surgery
- Supplement Strategy
- Consider chlorhexidine bathing or wipes for up to 5 days prior to surgery for all surgical patients, not just those undergoing high risk surgeries, unless known to be S. aureus negative
- Hemodialysis bloodstream infection prevention practices
- Core Strategy:
- Follow evidence-based guidance for the prevention of hemodialysis bloodstream infections
- Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) prevention practices
- Core Strategy:
- Follow evidence-based guidance for the prevention of VAP
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