Wednesday, March 27, 2019

NLM Announcements

National Library of Medicine

03/26/2019 04:00 PM EDT

The artificial intelligence (AI) revolution is upon us. You can barely read the paper, watch TV, or see a movie without encountering AI and how it promises to change society. In fact, last month, the President signed an executive order directing the US government to prioritize artificial intelligence in its research and development spending to … Continue reading "AI is coming. Are the data ready?"
03/26/2019 02:52 PM EDT

In about a week, NCBI staff will join GeneReviews® on their home turf, Seattle, at the Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting hosted by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). While there we will have an exhibit booth (#531) where you … Continue reading 
03/26/2019 01:28 PM EDT

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) seeks a Scientific Director with creative vision and strong leadership to guide its Intramural Research Program. One of the 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), NLM is a … Continue reading 
03/26/2019 01:00 PM EDT

NCBI will be updating the human genome RefSeq annotation more frequently to incorporate improvements made to genes and transcripts by RefSeq curation experts. Faster updates will allow us to include the latest datasets. In the past, we’ve produced a full … Continue reading 
03/26/2019 12:00 PM EDT

NCBI is on the West Coast this week (March 25 – 27) for “Pangenomics in the Cloud,” a three-day hackathon hosted by the University of California, Santa Cruz. Graphs are the name of the game here! The teams will be building graphs, managing … Continue reading 
03/26/2019 09:00 AM EDT

At one life-or-death moment, Dr. Tom Patterson was a snake. In November 2015, he and wife Dr. Steffanie Strathdee were merely two scientists on holiday. The couple had been vacationing on a cruise in Egypt. After a day of pyramid probing and an evening meal aboard ship, Patterson fell ill. Food poisoning, he surmised. A…

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