Thursday, March 28, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles | Psychiatry - Mar 28, 2019 Edition

Medical News | Medical Articles

 March 28, 2019 
 The latest psychiatry news from News Medical 
 Mental health problems in young adults on the riseMental health problems in young adults on the rise
A new study has revealed that mental health problems among young adults and adolescents are on the rise. Over the last few years there has been a steep rise in episodes of depression and psychological distress among the younger population says the study.
   Study highlights the need for psychiatric care to be integrated into cancer treatmentStudy highlights the need for psychiatric care to be integrated into cancer treatment
Patients with prostate, bladder or kidney cancers are at greater risk of dying if they have had psychiatric care prior to the cancer treatment. In addition, patients with these cancers show greater suicide risk than the general population, even once the data is corrected for previous psychiatric care.
   Mental health problems among children increasing - cultural trends part of the problemMental health problems among children increasing - cultural trends part of the problem
A new study this week reveals that the mental health problems among young adults and adolescents is on the rise. Over the last few years there has been a steep rise in episodes of depression and psychological distress among the younger population says the study.
 Use of synthetic psychedelic linked to improvements in depression and anxiety
Use of synthetic psychedelic linked to improvements in depression and anxietyJohns Hopkins researchers have discovered that use of the synthetic psychedelic 5-methocy-N,-N-dimethyltryptamine appears to be associated with unintended improvements in self-reported depression and anxiety when given in a ceremonial group setting.
 Positive link found between anxiety during childhood, adolescence with later alcohol use disorders
Positive link found between anxiety during childhood, adolescence with later alcohol use disordersIn an Addiction analysis of relevant published studies, investigators found some evidence for a positive association between anxiety during childhood and adolescence with later alcohol use disorders.
 New method based on neurofeedback may reduce anxiety
New method based on neurofeedback may reduce anxietyA new method for reducing anxiety based on neurofeedback has been validated in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. Deficient emotion regulation and exaggerated anxiety represent a major transdiagnostic psychopathological marker. On the neural level these deficits have been closely linked to impaired, yet treatment-sens
 Daily marijuana use may increase risk of psychosis
Daily marijuana use may increase risk of psychosisPeople who use marijuana on a daily basis may be at an increased risk of developing psychosis, particularly if the marijuana is high-potency, according to a study recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry.

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