Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Pathways: New Scholastic Resources on Basic Science and Career Paths | Biomedical Beat Blog - National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Pathways: New Scholastic Resources on Basic Science and Career Paths | Biomedical Beat Blog - National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Source: Eva Mutunga and Kate Klein, University of the District of Columbia and National Institute of Standards and Technology. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.​
The Latest Biomedical Beat Post
Cover of Pathways student magazine, with featured question, "What's this?" and arrows pointing at the cover art showing stained cultured cells (in blue, surrounded by magenta).

Pathways: New Scholastic Resources on Basic Science and Career Paths

We're excited to debut Pathways, a collaboration between NIGMS and Scholastic, Inc. Pathways is a collection of free resources that teaches students about basic science, its importance to human health, and research careers that students can pursue.

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