Join Us in April for an NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Workshop: The Science of Interoception and Its Roles in Nervous System DisordersWen Chen, Ph.D. March 4, 2019 We have the amazing ability to sense and interpret the world surrounding us through vision, hearing, olfaction, taste, and touch. Can we also sense, interpret, and integrate signals from within our body’s internal landscape across conscious and unconscious levels, a unique sense now commonly referred to as interoception? If this question piques your interest, join us at the inaugural National Institutes of Health (NIH) workshop on “The Science of Interoception and Its Roles in Nervous System Disorders” on April 16 and 17, 2019, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland. |
Talking to NCCIH Program Staff Can Be BeneficialAnita McRae-Williams, M.A. February 26, 2019 Early in the planning stage of your grant application, consulting with a member of the Division of Extramural Research (DER) program staff can be very beneficial. DER Program Directors (PDs) are your primary source of information for scientific, funding, and programmatic matters. We encourage you to discuss your proposed research with a PD prior to submitting a grant application. |
Apply for a Supplement to Promote Training on NCCIH-Funded AwardsLanay M. Mudd, Ph.D. February 22, 2019 The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) offers several training and career development opportunities described on our Training Opportunities webpage. However, trainees and principal investigators alike often overlook opportunities to apply for funding to support trainees on funded grants. NCCIH participates in three different Administrative Supplement programs that support trainees interested in working with investigators who have NCCIH funded research. |
Efforts to Address Sexual Harassment in Science
The National Institutes of Health’s senior leadership is strengthening the effort to tackle a crucial problem facing the research community: sexual harassment in science. Read the latest update on the steps that are being taken to address sexual harassment both within NIH itself and at institutions that receive NIH funding.
Resources for Researchers
Funding Opportunity Announcements
- Research on the Health of Women of Understudied, Underrepresented and Underreported (U3) Populations – An ORWH FY19 Administrative Supplement (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (Parent F32)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions with NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Fellowship for Students at Institutions Without NIH-Funded Institutional Predoctoral Dual-Degree Training Programs (Parent F30)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)
- Notice of NCCIH's Participation in PA-19-065, "Medical Simulators for Practicing Patient Care Providers Skill Acquisition, Outcomes Assessment and Technology Development (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)"
- Mechanisms Underlying the Contribution of Sleep Disturbances to Pain (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Summary for Preapplication Webinar on RFA-OD-19-001, Botanical Dietary Supplement Research Centers (BDSRC) (U19 Clinical Trial Optional)
If you missed the February 12 pre-application webinar, you can read the summary.
Summary of Q&A from the Technical Assistance Videocast "HEAL Initiative: Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Management of Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)”
If you missed the February 7 videocast, you can view this written summary of questions and answers.
Upcoming Events
"Microbes in Our Gut" Topic of NCCIH Spring 2019 Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series"Microbes in Our Gut: Emerging Insights on Health and Disease” is the focus of NCCIH’s Spring 2019 Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series. The first lecture in the series is on March 14 at 11 a.m. ET, Dr. Sean F. Brady of The Rockefeller University will present a talk entitled “Watch Where You Step, There Is New Chemistry Everywhere.” Dr. Brady will describe new techniques that make it possible to study bacteria that can’t be grown in the laboratory and explain how these methods may lead to the identification of new antibiotics and better understanding of the human microbiome. . |
In case you missed it...
Seeking Candidates for Position of Deputy Director, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, the world’s premier biomedical research institution, is seeking applications from exceptional candidates for the exciting position of Deputy Director, National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). NIMHD’s mission is to provide a national focus for the Federal effort to advance knowledge and understanding of mechanisms to improve minority health, identify and understand health disparities, and develop effective interventions to reduce these disparities in community and clinical settings.
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