Thursday, March 7, 2019

Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series | NCCIH

Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series | NCCIH

IMLS_Brady_March 14

"Microbes in Our Gut" Topic of NCCIH Spring 2019 Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series 

"Microbes in Our Gut: Emerging Insights on Health and Disease” is the focus of NCCIH’s Spring 2019 Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series. The first lecture in the series is on March 14 at 11 a.m. ET, Dr. Sean F. Brady of The Rockefeller University will present a talk entitled “Watch Where You Step, There Is New Chemistry Everywhere. Dr. Brady will describe new techniques that make it possible to study bacteria that can’t be grown in the laboratory and explain how these methods may lead to the identification of new antibiotics and better understanding of the human microbiome.

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