Thursday, March 7, 2019

Bringing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) to the Community

 March 7, 2019 
 The latest microbiology news from the AZoNetwork 
 #ALT#Bringing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) to the Community
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) is a technique that allows physicians to discriminate between infections caused by drug-sensitive/or resistant bacteria and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic treatment needed for specific patients; but unfortunately, it is mostly practiced in clinical laboratories in hospitals and to less extent at the community level. In this interview, Dr. Ester Segal discusses the development of a 2D silicon microarray on-chip device for rapid diagnostic susceptability testing of bacteria and fungi.
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  KeysightSample Preparation of Biological Materials — From Cell Disruption to Homogenization and Pulverization
From Bead Beating for cell disruption over homogenization and pulverization to cryogenic grinding: for these applications the use of a mixer mill yields optimum results - and often better than standard methods like vortexing. 
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   Aseptic Techniques in MicrobiologyAseptic Techniques in Microbiology
A number of basic procedures must be followed when handling sterile equipment or working in a sterile environment. These include: ensuring that the environment is free from external sources of contamination, such as open windows or doorways and ensuring that any tools or implements to be used have been thoroughly sterilized.
 C-di-GMP Signaling in Bacteria
C-di-GMP Signaling in BacteriaBis-(3´-5´)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) is a soluble molecule that functions as a secondary messenger in bacterial cells. One effector of C-di-GMP signaling is RNA, which acts as a riboswitch (an RNA regulatory element that alters the expression profile of the cell).
 Cervical microbiome may influence HPV infection more than previously thought
Infections with a Human Papillomavirus cause 99 percent of cervical cancer cases, and the disease's first sign is often the appearance of precancerous lesions on a woman's cervix. But bacteria may play an important role, too.
 Researchers discover mechanism on how body's antimicrobial shield regulates microbiome
The microbiome in our intestine plays a vital role in people's health and the immune system. Any lack of balance there has not only been linked to chronic inflammatory intestinal inflammation, but also type 2 diabetes and other diseases
 What is Microbial Forensics?
What is Microbial Forensics?Microbial forensics refers to the investigation of the use of bioweapon, and the accidental release or natural development of dangerous microorganisms.

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