Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles | Parkinson's Disease - Feb 5, 2019 Edition

Medical News | Medical Articles

 February 5, 2019 
 Parkinson's Disease 
 The latest Parkinson's disease news from News Medical 
 #ALT#How is Voluntary Hand Movement Influenced by Neural Contributions?

Voluntary hand movement requires the precise exchange of information from the CNS and muscles, but how much do neural contributions impact this?

Read Full Article Here
   Experts highlight emerging evidence of impending Parkinson’s disease pandemic
For most of human history Parkinson's disease (PD) has been a rare disorder. However, demography and the by-products of industrialization a now contributing to an impending a Parkinson's pandemic, according to experts writing in a supplement to the Journal of Parkinson's Disease.
   Study suggests key role for glial cells in Parkinson's disease
A team of scientists led by Prof. Antonella Consiglio from the IDIBELL and the University of Barcelona, and Prof. Angel Raya from the Center of Regenerative Medicine of Barcelona have discovered that defective versions of human brain cells called astrocytes are linked to the buildup of a toxic protein that is one the hallmarks of Parkinson's disease.
 Study shows how gut bacteria affect the treatment of Parkinson's disease
Patients with Parkinson's disease are treated with levodopa, which is converted into dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain. In a study published on 18 January in the journal Nature Communications, scientists from the University of Groningen show that gut bacteria can metabolize levodopa into dopamine.
 New, scalpel-free treatment for reducing Parkinson's tremor gets FDA approval
The federal Food and Drug Administration has approved a new, scalpel-free treatment for tremor in patients with medication-resistant Parkinson's disease.
 CBD Oil and Parkinson’s Disease
CBD Oil and Parkinson’s DiseaseCannabis is the most widely used recreational drug worldwide, with many variants that have been used both medicinally in the treatment or management of various diseases, including chronic pain, as well as being used recreationally to achieve a high.
 Novel gene therapy could dampen drug-induced side effect in Parkinson's patients
A Michigan State University researcher has received a $2.8 million federal grant to develop a gene therapy that could reduce and possibly eliminate a frustrating side effect of a drug commonly prescribed to Parkinson's patients.

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