Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Flow Cytometry in Immunology | Medical News | Medical Articles

Medical News | Medical Articles

 February 27, 2019 
 The latest immunology news from News Medical 
 Flow Cytometry in ImmunologyFlow Cytometry in Immunology
Flow cytometry can be used to identify immuno-competent cells, quantify changes in expression of surface determinants, and to separate cell populations.
  KeysightUnderstanding Ebola Virus GP - Antibody Interactions
When interactions get tough, the tough get light scattering. Learn how light scattering analysis combines with cryo-EM to understand complex protein-protein interactions. 
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   Study: Long-term spaceflights could adversely affect astronauts' immune systemsStudy: Long-term spaceflights could adversely affect astronauts' immune systems
NASA hopes to send humans to Mars by 2030 on a round-trip mission that could take up to three years - far longer than any human has ever traveled in space.
   Researchers design interleukin protein to balance overshooting immune responseResearchers design interleukin protein to balance overshooting immune response
Small infections can be fatal: Millions of people die each year from sepsis, an overreaction of the immune system.
 Study uncovers how lung tissue remodels to support immune response to influenza
Study uncovers how lung tissue remodels to support immune response to influenzaImmunology researchers at the Babraham Institute have discovered how lung tissue in mice is remodelled in response to infection with influenza in order to support an immune system response.
 Interaction between two immune cells may play key role in fight against dengue virus
Interaction between two immune cells may play key role in fight against dengue virusResearchers at Duke-NUS Medical School have demonstrated for the first time a physical interaction between two types of immune cells that plays an important role in the early fight against dengue virus infection.
 Scientists create 3D-bioprinted brain model to study interaction with immune cells
Scientists create 3D-bioprinted brain model to study interaction with immune cellsAround a glioblastoma, a very aggressive brain tumor, cells of the human immune system start helping the tumor instead of attacking it. To do research on what happens in the interaction of these cells, scientists of the University of Twente now created a 3D-bioprinted mini model of the brain.
 Scientists discover new mechanism by which sleep supports the immune system
Scientists discover new mechanism by which sleep supports the immune systemGetting enough sleep is vital to supporting our immune system in fighting off pathogens - so much is common knowledge. But what we don't know is how exactly sleep affects certain immune functions.
 Discovery of a 'master switch' within the immune system
Discovery of a 'master switch' within the immune systemResearchers Professor Graham Lord, from The University of Manchester and colleagues have found that a specific part of the immune system could have the tools that may help in the therapy of some major diseases such as diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and other autoimmune diseases.

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