Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What is Recombumin? | Medical News | Medical Articles

Medical News | Medical Articles

 February 27, 2019 
 The latest Genetics news from News Medical 
 #ALT#What is Recombumin?

A well-described carrier protein which is present in high concentrations (40-50 g/L) in plasma, Albumin has a circulatory half-life of roughly 19 days. It has a number of functions, including protein stabilization, the ability to bind both metal ions and to surfaces, fatty acid transportation to tissues, and an anti-oxidative effect in plasma.

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  KeysightSample Preparation of Biological Materials — From Cell Disruption to Homogenization and Pulverization
From Bead Beating for cell disruption over homogenization and pulverization to cryogenic grinding: for these applications the use of a mixer mill yields optimum results - and often better than standard methods like vortexing.

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 Newly discovered genetic disorder opens way for future diabetes drugs
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 Whole-genome sequencing and sharing real-time data could limit spread of foodborne bacteria
Employing advanced genetic-tracing techniques and sharing the data produced in real time could limit the spread of bacteria -- Bacillus cereus -- which cause foodborne illness, according to researchers who implemented whole-genome sequencing of a pathogen-outbreak investigation.

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