Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles | Children's Health - Feb 6, 2019 Edition |

Medical News | Medical Articles

 February 6, 2019 
 Children's Health 
 The latest pediatrics news from News Medical 
 Study finds need for early childhood obesity prevention interventionsStudy finds need for early childhood obesity prevention interventions
A Rutgers study has found a need for early childhood obesity prevention interventions beyond preschool education settings. The paper, which appears in the journal PLOS ONE, reviewed 34 studies of obesity prevention programs and policies spanning pregnancy, infancy and preschool and found that there is a need for culturally adapted, bilingual nutrition and physical activity programs for children and their families.
   Multiple Sclerosis in ChildrenMultiple Sclerosis in Children
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is occasionally diagnosed in children and teens, though it occurs more often in adults. According to the latest estimates, around 9000 children in the United States have MS, and some studies report that 2-5% of MS patients start experiencing symptoms before age 18.
   What are Milk Teeth?What are Milk Teeth?
A baby is usually born with no visible teeth in their mouth. However, in a newborn baby, there are 20 fully formed milk teeth or primary teeth lying underneath the gums. These teeth loosen and fall out between the ages of 6 to 10 years to give way to adult teeth.
 Youth with disabilities have greater risk for peer harassment via technology
Youth with disabilities have greater risk for peer harassment via technologyNew research from the University of New Hampshire finds that while youths with disabilities, mental health diagnoses and special education services experience peer harassment or bullying at similar rates as other youth, understanding differences in how they experience it may lead to solutions that minimize risk to all youth.
 Excessive screen time hinders children’s ability to develop
Excessive screen time hinders children’s ability to developIt has been shown that screen time among children aged 2 to 5 could have a serious impact on their cognitive and overall development.
 New clinical practice guideline on home oxygen therapy for children
New clinical practice guideline on home oxygen therapy for childrenThe American Thoracic Society has developed a new clinical practice guideline for home oxygen therapy for children. The guideline appears in the Feb. 1 edition of the Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
 UC study reveals most effective medication for treating pediatric anxiety
UC study reveals most effective medication for treating pediatric anxietyResearchers from the University of Cincinnati (UC) examined common medications prescribed for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, to determine which are the most effective and best-tolerated.
 Low-sugar diet leads to significant improvement in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in boys
Low-sugar diet leads to significant improvement in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in boysResearchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Emory University School of Medicine found that a diet low in free sugars resulted in significant improvement in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in adolescent boys.
 Research sheds new light on type of injuries occurring among children
Research sheds new light on type of injuries occurring among childrenNearly 1 in 5 fifth-graders has received violent injuries, the majority delivered by guns or knives, according to recently published research by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
 Measles warning in Western Australia
Measles warning in Western AustraliaA measles warning has been issued in Western Australia after a passenger was diagnosed with the illness. The passenger was travelling with Singapore Airlines.

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