Friday, February 8, 2019

JAMA Editorial - Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America |

JAMA Editorial - Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America |

Ending the HIV Epidemic banner stating the goal of 75% reduction in new HIV infections in five years and at least 90% in ten years.

JAMA Editorial - Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for the United States
Drs. Fauci, Giroir, Redfield, and Sigounas and IHS director Weahkee discusses the new HHS Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative in JAMA editorial.
List of 48 High HIV Burden Counties Posted posted a list of the 48 counties that will be the focus of the initial phase of the new Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative along with 7 states with a heavy burden of HIV in rural areas. More than 50% of new HIV diagnoses in 2016 and 2017 occurred in those 48 counties, Washington, D.C., and San Juan, Puerto Rico. 
Giroir Presents Ending the HIV Epidemic Plan to American Public Health Association 
ADM Brett Giroir, MD, Assistant Secretary of Health, told an audience at the American Public Health Association meeting Wednesday (2/6/19) that the President’s budget would request more funding for agencies in order to support the new HIV initiative that the President announced during his State of the Union speech on Tuesday (2/5/19). Read more in this article from the Washington Examiner
HRSA Statement in Support of Plan
The Health Resources and Services Administration released a statement in support of the Administration's Plan to End the HIV Epidemic, discussing the roles to be played by both the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and the Health Center Program. Read the full statement.  

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