Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Humans can learn new foreign words while asleep

Humans can learn new foreign words while asleep

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Neurology / Neuroscience
Humans can learn new foreign words while asleep
Humans can encode verbal word pairs — each comprising a familiar native language word and a new foreign word – during certain phases of slow-wave sleep.
Gut bacteria might influence depression, and this is how
A population study finally identifies certain bacterial communities linked to depression and searches for explanations for this relationship.
Are we facing a Parkinson's pandemic?
The authors of a recent article are suggesting that the gradual rise in Parkinson's is a pandemic. They ask why this is occurring and what can be done.
Schizophrenia: Restoring brain circuitry to improve symptoms
Researchers finally zero in on the brain network that drives the severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia and suggest a noninvasive treatment.

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