Monday, February 25, 2019

FDA Warns Thermography Should Not Be Used in Place of Mammography to Detect, Diagnose, or Screen for Breast Cancer

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDA Warns Thermography Should Not Be Used in Place of Mammography to Detect, Diagnose, or Screen for Breast Cancer

The FDA is alerting people recommended for breast cancer screening, and health care providers that thermography is not an alternative to mammography and should not replace mammography for breast cancer screening or diagnosis.

Recommendations for People Getting Breast Cancer Screenings:

  • Be aware that thermography is not a substitute for mammography and should not be used for breast cancer screening or diagnosis.
  • Have regular mammograms according to screening guidelines or as recommended by your health care provider.
  • Follow your health care provider's recommendations for additional steps to diagnose breast cancer, such as a clinical breast exam, other breast imaging (for example, breast ultrasounds or MRI), or breast tissue biopsy.
Example thermography reading of a person's body.

Mammography is the only screening method proven to reduce deaths from breast cancer through earlier detection.

There is no valid scientific data to show that thermography devices, when used on their own or with another diagnostic test, are an effective screening tool for any medical condition including the early detection of breast cancer or other diseases and health conditions.


If you have questions about thermography, please contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education.

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