Friday, June 14, 2019

Medical News | Medical Articles: Potential dangers of too much screen time for children

Medical News | Medical Articles

 June 14, 2019 
 Children's Health 
 The latest pediatrics news from News Medical 
 Potential dangers of too much screen time for childrenPotential dangers of too much screen time for children
Too much screen time can cause health problems for an adult. Insomnia, social disconnection and lack of exercise are just a few. Mix it with the turmoil of teen years - or the plasticity of a preschooler's brain -; and it can lead to conditions ranging from obesity to mental health disorders.
   Study: Underweight boys and overweight girls have increased risk of depressionStudy: Underweight boys and overweight girls have increased risk of depression
The results of a large community-based study have shown that the probability of major depressive disorder in children and adolescents with high, low, or normal body mass index differs according to gender.
   Keeping kids healthy and sane in a digital worldKeeping kids healthy and sane in a digital world
Smartphones, tablets and video consoles can be addictive. They interfere with sleep. They draw kids into an alternate universe, often distracting them from more productive — and healthier — real-world activities. And they are linked to anxiety and depression, learning disabilities and obesity.
 Research reveals gaps in the girls' knowledge and absence of support during puberty
Research reveals gaps in the girls' knowledge and absence of support during pubertyA study led by Marni Sommer, DrPH, RN, associate professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, examined girls' transitions through puberty in Madagascar and ways in which menstruation influences their educational experiences and future sexual and reproductive health.
 Bedwetting Causes, When to be Concerned, & Specific Therapies
Bedwetting Causes, When to be Concerned, & Specific TherapiesBedwetting (also known as nocturnal enuresis) is a condition in which there is an uncontrollable and involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder while asleep. Bedwetting affects millions of children worldwide, as well as some adults and elderly individuals.
 Daily reading with toddlers linked to less harsh parenting
Daily reading with toddlers linked to less harsh parentingPeople who regularly read with their toddlers are less likely to engage in harsh parenting and the children are less likely to be hyperactive or disruptive, a Rutgers-led study finds.
 Bariatric surgery can be safe, effective treatment for teenagers with obesity
Bariatric surgery can be safe, effective treatment for teenagers with obesityPediatricians are often reluctant to recommend bariatric surgery for teenagers, but a Rutgers-led study concludes it is a justifiable treatment for adolescents with persistent extreme obesity if they can maintain a healthy lifestyle afterward.
 Prenatal exposure to paternal tobacco smoking linked to high asthma risk
Prenatal exposure to paternal tobacco smoking linked to high asthma riskChildren exposed to paternal tobacco smoking before birth are more likely to develop asthma - and associated changes to immune genes predict the level of risk.
 Study demonstrates how teenage students benefit from delayed school start times
Study demonstrates how teenage students benefit from delayed school start timesPreliminary findings from a new study of middle school and high school students suggest that they got more sleep and were less likely to feel too sleepy to do homework after their district changed to later school start times.

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