Thursday, June 27, 2019

Free Webinar: Two-Part Series on Cancer Prevention During Older Adulthood

GSA Webinars

Free Webinar: Two-Part Series on Cancer Prevention During Older Adulthood

Older adults spending time outdoors

Join The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) for a two-part series on cancer prevention during older adulthood. Part one, Health Literacy Considerations for Cancer Prevention Initiatives With Older Adults, features Dr. Rima E. Rudd and will provide the latest developments in health communication strategies for older adults. The webinar builds on a paper, “Health Literacy Considerations for a New Cancer Prevention Initiative” authored by Dr. Rudd and published in a CDC-funded supplemental issue of The Gerontologist on Opportunities for Cancer Prevention During Older Adulthood. This webinar takes place on June 28, 2019 from 12 to 1 p.m. (ET)

Part two of the series, Sun Protection and Sunburn Among Older U.S. Adults, features CDC’s Dawn Holman, MPH, and will be based on a paper titled, "Association Between Sun Protection Behaviors and Sunburn Among U.S. Older Adults," which was published in the same issue of The Gerontologist. This webinar takes place on August 2, 2019 from 12 to 1 p.m. (ET). Both webinars will be archived on the GSA website

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