Thursday, June 27, 2019

Resources to Implement Active People, Healthy Nation℠ | Physical Activity | CDC

Resources to Implement Active People, Healthy Nation℠ | Physical Activity | CDC

Tools You Can Use

Use Active People, Healthy Nation℠ resources to inspire physical activity and build a healthier nation.

Active People, Healthy Nation℠ is a national CDC-led initiative to help 27 million Americans be more physically active by 2027. Check out shareable ads, fact sheets, web badges, and other free resources to help individuals and communities become more physically active.

CDC’s Tips from Former Smokers® explains why tobacco quitlines can be key to cessation success.

This article outlines five reasons why quitlines are important tools that can help people permanently stop using tobacco. You can also find more free cessation resources, like a quit guide, videos, and shareable social media content.

AACVPR’s Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) Summary for Payers outlines actions to help increase CR use.

The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) summarizes the value of CR and action steps for payers in this new resource. Use it to inform your communications with health insurers about ways to eliminate barriers and build equity in the delivery of CR services.

Engage Insurers in Increasing CR Use [PDF - 773 KB]

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