Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Insider: Pause, Reflect, & Advance Priorities

The start of the year is a natural time to pause and reflect on the previous 12 months. At DNPAO we recently paused to reflect on the Division’s accomplishments from each of our offices and branches. It was great to stop and celebrate our successes in nutrition, physical activity, obesity prevention, policy, partnerships, communication, program development, and evaluation.

As I reflect on DNPAO’s work, I always remember that we exist to facilitate your success. Whether you are in a state health program, a local community organization, a hospital, or a university setting, you are the “boots on the ground” doing the work. We are only making progress if your work successfully reduces the burden of chronic disease.

As you pause to reflect on health trends in your state, take advantage of Data, Trends, and Maps, a free, online interactive database. Created in 2015, Data Trends, and Maps was updated in 2017 and continues to be updated three to four times per year. An article published in September explains how to visualize data by location or topic. You can also download data to browse and filter.

Reflection invariably turns to strategizing for the future. We at DNPAO wish you a Happy New Year. I also encourage you to take time to pause and reflect on past accomplishments. Celebrate your victories and learn from your challenges to advance your key priorities.

Dr. Ruth Petersen, Director, DNPAO

CDC staff pause to reflect on the 20-year history of Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) during the October opening of a REACH exhibit at the David J. Sencer CDC Museum. Pictured from left are Drs. Leonard Jack, Ruth Petersen, and Corinne Graffunder. Photo @ Mike Brown.

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