Friday, January 24, 2020

NIMH » Transportation and Mobility Options to Support Postschool Transition for Youth with Autism

NIMH » Transportation and Mobility Options to Support Postschool Transition for Youth with Autism

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On February 11 the National Center for Mobility Management and the Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation will host a free webinar on transportation and mobility options for youth with autism transitioning out of high school. The webinar is sponsored by the National Autism Coordinator and the Office of Autism Research Coordination, National Institute of Mental Health.
People with autism often face a lack of supports and services when they transition into adulthood. Leaving high school to go to college or work and live independently in the community can cause additional challenges for youth with autism if they don’t have access to a car. This webinar is intended to help youth with autism, their caregivers, and human service providers learn strategies to leverage mobility resources and develop connections with transportation providers and services.
Danielle Nelson, MPHSenior Program Analyst
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
Judy L. Shanley, Ph.D.Assistant Vice President, Education & Youth Transition
Easterseals Director, National Center for Mobility Management
Genelle C. Thomas, M.A.
Director of National Initiatives
Partners for Youth with Disabilities
Austin Carr
Self-advocate, Boston, MA

Webinar detailsRegistration is not necessary.
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2020Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET
Meeting number (access code): 627 670 838
Meeting password: SupportASD
Join from a video system or applicationDial:
You can also dial and enter the meeting number. 
Join by phone
Call-in toll number (US and Canada): 1-650-479-3208

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