Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Medical News | Medical Articles | What is Cryo-Electron Microscopy?

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 Life Science Microscopy 
 The latest Life Science Microscopy news from News Medical 
 What is Cryo-Electron Microscopy?What is Cryo-Electron Microscopy?
Cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) is a scientific technique used for studying the structures of cells, viruses and proteins at the molecular level. This article discusses the applications in which this type of microscopic method is used.
   How was Cryo-Electron Microscopy Developed?How was Cryo-Electron Microscopy Developed?
This article outlines the history and benefits of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).
   Structure of most lethal toxin produced by C. difficile bacteria identifiedStructure of most lethal toxin produced by C. difficile bacteria identified
Using cryo-electron Microscopy, Researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and their colleagues have identified the structure of the most lethal toxin produced by certain strains of Clostridium difficile bacteria.
 Scientists visualize complex cellular machine to yield new insights in cancer
Scientists visualize complex cellular machine to yield new insights in cancerCellular machines that control chromosome structure, such as the RSC complex, are mutated in about one-fifth of all human cancers. Now, for the first time, scientists have developed a high-resolution visual map of this multi-protein machine, elucidating how the RSC complex works and what role it has in healthy and cancer cells.
 NTU scientists find potential route to disabling viruses causing severe respiratory diseases
NTU scientists find potential route to disabling viruses causing severe respiratory diseasesA team of molecular and structural biologists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore have found a potential new route to disabling respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus after elucidating the structure of one of its key components using cryo-electron microscopy.
 Discovery of molecular origins of a heart beat
Discovery of molecular origins of a heart beatResearchers have discovered the molecular origins of the heart beat. They have found the proteins that make up tiny sodium channels in the tissues of the heart that can help generate the heart beats. The team used a high-resolution, 3-D map of the channels made using advanced Cryo-EM.
 Novel imaging technique produces accurate, real-time intraoperative diagnosis of brain tumors
Novel imaging technique produces accurate, real-time intraoperative diagnosis of brain tumorsA novel method of combining advanced optical imaging with an artificial intelligence algorithm produces accurate, real-time intraoperative diagnosis of brain tumors, a new study finds.
 What is High-Resolution TEM (HR-TEM)?
What is High-Resolution TEM (HR-TEM)?TEM or transmission electron microscopy is a common analytical technique used to study very thin specimens in a 2D plane.
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