Thursday, January 16, 2020

Help us shape the conversation on diversity in research participation!

Help us shape the conversation on diversity in research participation!


Help us shape the conversation on diversity in research participation!

Jaron Lockett, Health Science Policy Analyst, Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation (OPAE)

NIH and NIA have long focused on how to include people of all ages and from all backgrounds—children, minorities, people with disabilities, and many more—in research. This year brings an exciting opportunity to evolve and grow this conversation. We are preparing now for an important next step: a trans-NIH initiative, the Inclusion Across the Lifespan-II (IAL-II) workshop, will take place September 2-3, 2020, on the NIH campus.

But we need you to weigh in and help shape the discussion at the IAL-II workshop! The Inclusion Across the Lifespan II Request for Information (RFI) was published recently and will be open until February 15. We welcome perspectives and comments from all interested stakeholders, including the scientific community, patients, caregivers, advocacy organizations, and the public. Read the full blog post.

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