Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Late-stage Anle138b treatment ameliorates tau pathology and metabolic decline in a mouse model of human Alzheimer’s disease tau | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | Full Text

Late-stage Anle138b treatment ameliorates tau pathology and metabolic decline in a mouse model of human Alzheimer’s disease tau | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | Full Text

Augmenting the brain clearance of toxic oligomers with small molecule modulators constitutes a promising therapeutic concept against tau deposition. However, there has been no test of this concept in animal mo...
Authors:Matthias Brendel, Maximilian Deussing, Tanja Blume, Lena Kaiser, Federico Probst, Felix Overhoff, Finn Peters, Barbara von Ungern-Sternberg, Sergey Ryazanov, Andrei Leonov, Christian Griesinger, Andreas Zwergal, Johannes Levin, Peter Bartenstein, Igor Yakushev, Paul Cumming…
Citation:Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2019 11:67
Content type:Research
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