Monday, December 30, 2019

Sexual dimorphism in PAR 2 -dependent regulation of primitive colonic cells | Biology of Sex Differences | Full Text

Sexual dimorphism in PAR 2 -dependent regulation of primitive colonic cells | Biology of Sex Differences | Full Text

Biology of Sex Differences

Sexual dimorphism in biological responses is a critical knowledge for therapeutic proposals. However, gender differences in intestinal stem cell physiology have been poorly studied. Given the important role of...
Authors:Julie Noguerol, Pierre-Jean Roustan, Mikael N’Taye, Léo Delcombel, Corinne Rolland, Laura Guiraud, David Sagnat, Anissa Edir, Chrystelle Bonnart, Alexandre Denadai-Souza, Céline Deraison, Nathalie Vergnolle and Claire Racaud-Sultan
Citation:Biology of Sex Differences 2019 10:47
Content type:Research
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