Monday, December 30, 2019

Fetal growth outcomes following peri-implantation exposure of Long-Evans rats to noise and ozone differ by sex | Biology of Sex Differences | Full Text

Fetal growth outcomes following peri-implantation exposure of Long-Evans rats to noise and ozone differ by sex | Biology of Sex Differences | Full Text

Biology of Sex Differences

Exposure to air pollution and high levels of noise have both been independently associated with the development of adverse pregnancy outcomes including low birth weight. However, exposure to such environmental...
Authors:Colette N. Miller, Urmila P. Kodavanti, Erica J. Stewart, Mette C. Schladweiler, Judy H. Richards, Samantha J. Snow, Andres R. Henriquez, Wendy M. Oshiro, Aimen K. Farraj, Mehdi S. Hazari and Janice A. Dye
Citation:Biology of Sex Differences 2019 10:54
Content type:Research
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