Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A single-nuclei RNA sequencing study of Mendelian and sporadic AD in the human brain | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | Full Text

A single-nuclei RNA sequencing study of Mendelian and sporadic AD in the human brain | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | Full Text

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. This neurodegenerative disorder is associated with neuronal death and gliosis heavily impacting the cerebral cortex. AD has a substantial but heter...
Authors:Jorge L. Del-Aguila, Zeran Li, Umber Dube, Kathie A. Mihindukulasuriya, John P. Budde, Maria Victoria Fernandez, Laura Ibanez, Joseph Bradley, Fengxian Wang, Kristy Bergmann, Richard Davenport, John C. Morris, David M. Holtzman, Richard J. Perrin, Bruno A. Benitez, Joseph Dougherty…
Citation:Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2019 11:71
Content type:Research
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