Sunday, June 16, 2019

Which milk is best? Almond, hemp, oat, soy, or cow's milk

Which milk is best? Almond, hemp, oat, soy, or cow's milk

Medical News Today

Nutrition / Diet
What to know about Neurobion
Neurobion is a brand of vitamin B supplements that aims to improve nerve function. Learn about the benefits and side effects of Neurobion here.
Almond, hemp, oat, soy, and cow's milk: Which is best?
As plant-based alternative milks grow increasingly popular, it can help to know how they compare nutritionally. Find out in this article.
What to know about eyebrow hair loss
Many factors can cause thinning or hair loss in the eyebrows, including hormonal imbalances, diet, some health conditions, and certain medications. This article looks at the causes and treatments for eyebrow hair loss.
Vitamin D may prolong life in people with cancer
Taking vitamin D supplements does not cut cancer risk but may prolong life once cancer develops, according to an analysis of trials covering 79,055 people.
Can red meat reduce the risk of MS?
Researchers found that one portion of unprocessed red meat per day reduced the chance of developing early signs of multiple sclerosis.
High-salt diet blocks tumor growth in mice
New research in mice suggests that a high intake of dietary salt triggers the immune system in a way that enables it to fight off tumors.
What to know about low urine output
Low urine output can occur as a result of various causes, including infections, dehydration, and urinary tract blockages. The treatment options will depend on the cause. Learn more about low urine output here.
Tomato juice: Could 1 cup per day keep heart disease at bay?
A new study concludes that drinking tomato juice each day can reduce the levels of certain markers of cardiovascular disease. However, more work is needed.
Is white meat really more healthful than red meat?
A new randomized controlled trial compares the effects of both red and white meat on blood cholesterol levels. The study also looks at saturated fats.

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