Thursday, June 13, 2019

New study to raise profile of SCN8A-related disorders | Children's National

New study to raise profile of SCN8A-related disorders | Children's National

Advances in Neurology from Children's National

DNA Molecule

New study to raise profile of SCN8A-related disorders

Children’s National is proud to share that they have launched a 6-month pilot research program to evaluate and improve education and access to care for SCN8A-related epilepsy. Due to advances in genetic testing, more patients with SCN8A mutations and other rare genetic epilepsies are being discovered all the time.
The research for the pilot program is being led by John Schreiber, M.D. Dr. Schreiber will help to develop a more focused effort to provide families and clinicians with the Clinician Information and Reference Guide that was created by The Cute Syndrome Foundation. The goal of the information is to provide families and clinicians with a guide to remove barriers to access expert care.

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