Sunday, June 16, 2019

New report shows overall cancer mortality on the decline

New report shows overall cancer mortality on the decline

Medical News Today

Women's Health / Gynecology
Could gut bacteria drive the spread of breast cancer?
New research in mice finds that having an unhealthful balance in the gut microbiome can cause breast cancer to spread more aggressively.
New report shows overall cancer mortality on the decline
A joint effort among various governmental bodies, the new 'Annual Report to the Nation' offers fresh insights on cancer incidence and mortality.
CBT may be effective in managing menopause symptoms
New research suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy may be useful for managing several symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and depression.
What to know about rib pain during pregnancy
Pain around the ribs is a common complaint during pregnancy. In this article, we look at the possible causes of rib pain during pregnancy and provide tips for relieving pain.

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