Wednesday, June 5, 2019

How a diabetes drug may reduce anxiety symptoms

How a diabetes drug may reduce anxiety symptoms

Medical News Today

How a diabetes drug may reduce anxiety symptoms
New research in mice shows how metformin, a common drug used to treat diabetes and prediabetes, can also help reduce symptoms associated with anxiety.
Low-amp electroconvulsive therapy may relieve suicidal thoughts
A new, small trial finds that low-amp electroconvulsive therapy is highly effective in reducing suicidal ideation while having no cognitive side effects.
What is learned helplessness?
In this article, we discuss the psychology behind learned helplessness — a state in which a person feels unable to change a stressful situation, even when change becomes possible. We look at the background of the theory and ways to overcome this state.
Letter from the Editor: Self-love
May is Mental Health Month. In this month's letter, Managing Editor Honor talks about the importance of self-love for mental health and well-being.

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