Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cancer Information Highlights, June 5, 2019

Cancer Information Highlights, June 5, 2019

National Cancer Institute

Cancer Information Highlights
From the National Cancer Institute
Updating you about cancer causes, prevention, screening, treatment, coping, and more
New from NCI
Deaths from Cancer Continue to Decline
2019 Annual Report to the Nation The 2019 Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer finds overall cancer death rates continue to decline and new cancer cases dropped in men and remained stable in women. A special section covers recent cancer trends in younger adults.
T-DM1 Approval Expanded for HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
T-DM1 Mechanism The Food and Drug Administration has expanded the approved use of the targeted therapy ado-trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla), also called T-DM1, for some women after surgery for early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer.
Studying Genes and Proteins Together Sheds New Light on Colon Cancer

Using novel proteogenomic techniques, which combine the study of genes and proteins, NCI scientists have uncovered new features of colon cancer that may guide new treatment strategies.
Radiation for Controlling Pain from Bone Metastases

Read about the results from a clinical trial that was designed to find the best dose of radiation to treat pain from cancer that spread to the bone and whether a single dose was as effective as many lower doses delivered over 2 weeks.
Rates of Aggressive Uterine Cancer Subtypes Rising

New findings from a study by NCI researchers show that the number of new cases of aggressive subtypes of uterine cancer in the U.S. rose rapidly during a 15-year study period. Learn more about the subtypes and the racial differences uncovered by the scientists.
PDQ Cancer Information Summary Updates
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treatment

We’ve revised our PDQ summary on nasopharyngeal cancer with updated information on factors that affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.
Also of Interest

Find out how to adjust to the new feelings and issues that arise when cancer treatment is over. Learn about follow-up care, how to deal with family issues, and what to do about late side effects.
Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

During National Men’s Health Week, learn about hormone therapy and how it is used to treat prostate cancer.

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