Monday, April 8, 2019

Why Do Some Colds Make Asthma Worse? NIAID-Funded Study Offers Insights | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Why Do Some Colds Make Asthma Worse? NIAID-Funded Study Offers Insights | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


Monday, April 8, 2019

Why Do Some Colds Make Asthma Worse? NIAID-Funded Study Offers Insights

Asthma inhaler

The common cold is one of the most frequent triggers of asthma attacks. Yet even among children with severe asthma, most colds do not lead to asthma attacks. In a new NIAID-funded study, researchers sought to answer a long-standing question: what differentiates a cold that leads to an asthma attack from a cold that is just a cold? Their findings, reported today in Nature Immunology, will inform future research to identify new strategies to treat asthma.
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