Monday, April 8, 2019

Screen Time and its Link to Depression in Teens - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.

Screen Time and its Link to Depression in Teens - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, Inc.


It’s a familiar scene: teenagers with their noses buried in their cell phones in restaurants, in the car, with their friends. But how can screen time negatively affect adolescents?

Family game night or time outdoors; fun ways to spend time with your children. These positive activities can have an unexpected impact, especially when dads are involved

In the U.S., nearly one in five kids, ages six to 19, is obese. But what impact can community-based programs have in disadvantaged neighborhoods?

Right now in the United States there are more men than women employed in science, technology, engineering and math fields. Are boys hard-wired to be better at math from an early age?

Right now in the United States, 14-thousand people are suffering from end stage liver disease and are on a list waiting for a donor organ. But another option is now gaining ground and providing hope

Doctor's In-depth Interview of the week
Stroke Shoe Retrains the Brain 
Kyle B. Reed, PhD
University of South Florida, Mechanical Engineering

Quote of the week:

If we stop calling a fool a fool, he won’t stop being a fool.” 

— Sergei Ivanov, Russian Parliament member and fired Putin chief of staff, on new law against online criticism of officials

If you know of an innovative medical treatment, send us the name of the treatment,  name of the doctor and city. We may be able to cover it in one of our series:


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