Monday, April 8, 2019

Preventive care service use among cancer survivors with serious psychological distress: An analysis of the medical expenditure panel survey data. - PubMed - NCBI

Preventive care service use among cancer survivors with serious psychological distress: An analysis of the medical expenditure panel survey data. - PubMed - NCBI

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New Study on Emotional Health and Use of Preventive Care Among Cancer Survivors

Serious psychological distress (SPD), a broad construct of depression, anxiety, panic, and fear, can negatively affect the health and quality of life for cancer survivors. A new study, based on data from the population-based Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2008-2015), looks at the link between SPD and the use of preventive care services among cancer survivors compared to adults without a cancer history. Study results show that cancer survivors were more likely to have SPD than adults without a cancer history (9.8% vs 4.6%). Cancer survivors with SPD were more frequent users of medical care, reporting 10 or more visits to the doctor’s office in the past 12 months (29.3%) compared to adults without SPD (14.1%). Having SPD, with or without a cancer history, was associated with lower odds of being up-to-date with preventive care services, including cancer screening.

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