Thursday, April 18, 2019

Patient Navigation: Helping Those Facing Cancer Find the Way | | Blogs | CDC

Patient Navigation: Helping Those Facing Cancer Find the Way | | Blogs | CDC

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Patient navigator or counselor listens to patient

Providing Guidance During a Patient’s Cancer Journey

After a cancer diagnosis, navigating the health care system may be challenging, but guidance and understanding from a specialized health care worker can make a difference. Patient navigators help patients move through the health care system and work to reduce or eliminate barriers to accessing care. A new blog post discusses the essential role that patient navigators have in a patient’s cancer journey by providing individual guidance to help patients make the best decisions for their care. Patient navigators also have an important role in addressing health disparities, such as providing support to patients who may have less access to health care and other services. This support includes making sure that patients get the right information and guidance on community resources. CDC’s Dr. Elizabeth Rohan shares her first-hand knowledge of helping cancer patients and recognizes patient navigators as unsung heroes for people facing cancer.

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