Monday, April 8, 2019

April is STD Awareness Month | Features | CDC

April is STD Awareness Month | Features | CDC


April is STD Awareness Month

A square with the words STD Awareness Month written in the middle
Get the Facts, Take Control of Your Health

Surging STDs Endanger the Health of Too Many

STDs have come charging back across the nation. Since 2013, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis have all sharply increased – with more than two million of these infections reported in 2017 alone. Today, as these STDs continue to surge, we face a climbing number of babies born with syphilis, an increasing risk of infertility and getting or giving HIV, and the looming threat of untreatable gonorrhea.
It’s not all bad news: There are many ways to prevent STDs, and fortunately, most infections are curable and all are treatable.

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