Friday, March 13, 2020

Medical News | Medical Articles | Study indicates opportunities to improve quality of in-hospital cardiac arrest care for dialysis patients

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 The latest cardiology news from News Medical 
 Study indicates opportunities to improve quality of in-hospital cardiac arrest care for dialysis patientsStudy indicates opportunities to improve quality of in-hospital cardiac arrest care for dialysis patients
A new study indicates that there are opportunities to improve the quality of care for patients on dialysis who experience cardiac arrest while in the hospital, but survival rates are similar for these patients compared with patients not on dialysis.
   Women and men more likely to have another major cardiovascular event after strokeWomen and men more likely to have another major cardiovascular event after stroke
New research from Western University has shown that both women and men are significantly more likely to have a heart attack or another major cardiovascular event within thirty days of having a stroke.
   Doctors should warn cardiology patients about the risk of marijuana use, say researchersDoctors should warn cardiology patients about the risk of marijuana use, say researchers
A team led by investigators at Brigham and Women's Hospital has stated that cardiology patients should be warned and counseled about the potential risks of using marijuana until further evidence is available.
 Heart attack patients who follow more medical advice have greater long-term survival
Heart attack patients who follow more medical advice have greater long-term survivalPatients who followed more medical advice after a heart attack were more likely to survive years after their heart attack.
 Researchers identify new genetic variants that cause heart disease in infants
Researchers identify new genetic variants that cause heart disease in infantsFlorida State University researchers working in an international collaboration have identified new genetic variants that cause heart disease in infants, and their research has led to novel insights into the role of a protein that affects how the heart pumps blood.
 Mayo Clinic study uncovers stem cell-activated mechanisms of healing after heart attack
Mayo Clinic study uncovers stem cell-activated mechanisms of healing after heart attackMayo Clinic researchers have uncovered stem cell-activated mechanisms of healing after a heart attack. Stem cells restored cardiac muscle back to its condition before the heart attack, in turn providing a blueprint of how stem cells may work.
 Biomaterials could soon create tissue like blood vessel structures
Biomaterials could soon create tissue like blood vessel structuresA group of researchers led by Professor Alvaro Mata from the University of Nottingham, along with others from Queen Mary University London, has successfully created a biomaterial that could be used for the creation of tissues that could form blood vessels.
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