Saturday, March 21, 2020

Herbal cancer treatment

This local herb that has cured many cancer patients. 

This particular herbal treatment is no exception. 

It is not likely that one method or a single herb can cure everyone of cancer. 

Each individual is different and the condition of the disease is also different. 

In this article, I merely like to share the information that some cancer patients have been successful in curing their sicknesses by using this herb. 

Who knows, someone reading this article may also benefit from this piece of information.

The name of this herb is locally called Sabah Snake Grass. 

Sabah is a state in Malaysia. 

Apparently the “scientific" name is Clinacanthus, or Clinathanus. 

But I don’t think it is, as I can’t find such terms in the internet. 

The Chinese name is Yu Xun Cao. 

There are also "local names" like Belalai Gajah and Gendis. 

This is the piece of information that might save lives. 

It was reported in another site that Sabah Snake Grass has cured so many types of cancer :

Lung cancer, Uterus cancer, Prostate cancer, Breast cancer, Leukemia, Dialysis patients

Others with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high uric acid and diabetes have also benefitted from Sabah Snake Grass.

As reported in a local newspaper

A local newspaper reported that a 56-year old Mr Liu Lian Hui was confirmed having stage 4 lymphatic cancer in 2.008, and was given only 3 months to live. 

Today (19 April 2.011) he is still alive! 

He cured himself by drinking Sabah Snake Grass juice. 

He blended the Sabah Snake Grass leaves with green apples and drank the juice every morning after breakfast. 

Within 3 days 6 tumors disappeared, and after 13 days, he was cleared by the oncologist that he was 96% cured!

The recipe

For cancer treatment :

Stage 1 cancer : 30 leaves daily

Stage 2 cancer : 50 leaves daily

Stage 3 cancer : 100 leaves daily

Stage 4 cancer : 150-200 leaves daily

Reduce dosage when condition improves.

Direction for juicing SSG :

Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
Add 1 quarter lemon or half a lime (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put into the blender
Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds, cut into small pieces and put into blender
Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes
This is an update by cancer survivor CT Chang on intake of SSG leaves :

"The recommended dosage for SSG should not be more than 30 leaves, added with a slice of apple before blending. 

After blending, it is advisable to warm the SSG blend before drinking. "

Leaves of Sabah Snake Grass and Indian Snake Grass

Two varieties of this plant

Apparently there are two varieties of this plant.  

The effective one is the Sabah Snake Grass (SSG).  

The other variety is the Indian Snake Grass (ISG).  

The leaves of SSG taste sweet, whereas those of ISG taste very bitter.  

The leaves of SSG are longer than those of ISG.

You can take a look at the photo on the right.

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