Saturday, March 14, 2020

Table of Contents | 2020 Yellow Book | Travelers' Health | CDC

Table of Contents | 2020 Yellow Book | Travelers' Health | CDC

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Preparing International Travelers

  • The Pretravel Consultation
  • Perspectives: Travelers’ Perception of Risk
  • Last-Minute Travelers
  • Complementary & Integrative Health Approaches
  • Perspectives: Prioritizing Care for the Resource-Limited Traveler
  • Telemedicine
  • Perspectives: Legal Issues in Travel Medicine
  • Vaccination & Immunoprophylaxis: General Recommendations
  • Interactions between Travel Vaccines & Drugs
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine & Malaria Prophylaxis Information, by Country
  • Food & Water Precautions
  • Water Disinfection
  • Food Poisoning from Marine Toxins
  • Travelers' Diarrhea
  • Perspectives: Antibiotics in Travelers’ Diarrhea - Balancing the Risks & Benefits

Chapter 3
Environmental Hazards & Other Noninfectious Health Risks

Chapter 5
Travelers with Additional Considerations

Chapter 6
Health Care Abroad

Chapter 7
Family Travel

Chapter 8
Travel by Air, Land & Sea

Chapter 9
Travel for Work & Other Reasons

Chapter 11
Posttravel Evaluation


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